
O2 and CO2 gases dissolved in the steam boiler feed water are produced to eliminate the destruction of the boiler and installation. The gases are separated from the water by evaporation by heating the feed water, which is broken into small particles by sprinkling, above 102°C for O2 and 60°C for CO2. Deaerator tanks should be placed high, as the high feed water temperature affects the pump suction negatively. In some cases, it can also be solved by making the tank upright. In addition, the pump suction can be solved by pressurizing the deaerator tanks. Some of the heat requirement of the deaerator can be taken from the flash steam, and the rest as steam from the boiler. Although it is thought as an extra steam need, deaerators pay their own costs when considering the boiler and installation life.


These are the tanks used for the storage of fuel oil, diesel, gasoline, mineral oils and lpg, which can be produced as single or double walled according to demand. They are made of St37 type sheet metal and designed as a cylindrical body. Welding was done by submerged arc welding. Sandblasting and painting processes are carried out in accordance with the intended use of the tank. It is produced in accordance with TS EN 12285-1, TS EN 12285-2 standards.


They are produced in cyclone, multicyclone and wet filters types. They are produced in dry type, with dust and soot retention properties. They are suitable for particles larger than 20µ or 10µ depending on their type.


It is produced to benefit from the heat of the flue gases discharged from the chimney.
• The efficiency effect on the system changes depending on whether it is condensing or non-condensing.
• They are systems that pay the investment cost in a few years and work without auxiliary energy.
• The hot water or heating water needed by the facilities can be met from economizers without being loaded into the boiler.
• Boiler efficiency can be increased by heating the boiler inlet water.
• It is used especially in solid fuel systems and sometimes in large capacities for heating primary and secondary combustion air (recuperator).
• Reducing the flue gas by 20°C provides approximately 1% fuel savings in the boiler.
• It can be manufactured from condensing or non-condensing and according to facility needs, with smoke pipe, finned pipe and stainless steel.

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