Steam boilers fire with liquid or gaseous fuel. In addition to the cylindrical design, it has flame-smoke tubes and 3 passages.
The capacity of steam boilers can reach from 400 kilograms to 16 tons per hour.
Steam boilers are manufactured to withstand 15 bar pressure and 400 square meters of surface heat treatment.
Our steam boilers manufactured by ST Grup Energy are subject to TS 377 EN 12953 TRD design standards and their materials are prepared according to TS EN 10028, TS EN 10216 and TS EN 10217 material standards.''CE'' certificate 97/23 in B+F module Available with code /PED.
Other informations
Boilers respond quickly to instant steam demands thanks to their large volumes. Low flue gas temperature and high steam efficiency are achieved thanks to flame-smoke tubes and 3 passes.